If I mentioned in the title that the opera could easily be named after the female protagonist in the Budapest production, it is due to Klára Kolonits’ great Imogene performance. Although her career encompasses nearly thirty years, her rare dramatic coloratura soprano is still flawless. She has an appealingly dark tone, the voice is balanced in its registers (extending smoothly in both directions from the middle register), and overcomes ornamental phrasing without the slightest problem thanks to her excellent technique and breathing. If I had to single out anything in particular, it would be the intoxicating piano phrasing in the higher register. Ideally suited to bel canto singing, we look forward to seeing this soprano in May at the Budapest State Opera in the title role of Leicester in Donizetti’s Maria Stuarda, alongside Slovakian tenor Juraj Hollý.
2024 November 8th,, Pavel Unger

In terms of interpretation, soprano Klára Kolonits deserves a special mention. She plays the moving Imogene, equal to herself only, present and central character of the work, and to whom the most beautiful arias and duets belong.
2024 November 7th,, Pierre Waline
Imogene’s role is not similar to Amina in Sonnambula, Giulietta or Elvira in Puritani; rather, it is closer in tone to Norma, Alaide (La straniera) and Beatrice di Tenda in the unornamented versions. This does not mean, of course, that it is any easier than any of those: it is a less chirpy solo, demanding a much more powerful middle and low register, but also, at some points, a secure coloratura skill.
Just as it happens, the role is perfectly suited to the current voice of our Hungarian bel canto diva Klára Kolonits. I think this encounter happenned at the right moment: we can enjoy both a voice that has been honed to perfection and the vocal interpretational skills that go with it. On the podium, too, the power of expression was complete, the vocal disposition perfect in every register. Especially, the high register was secure, beautiful, bright and powerful. It was already clear from her performances of earlier bel canto operas that it was worthwhile, even necessary, to dig out these works for her, because of her only: she gives the audience a tremendous experience every time.
2024 November 12th,, ppp