Klára Kolonits
We can safely say there is an eternal debate going on over the importance of a singer’s physique in the times of live broadcasts. Not only do you have to be pretty and skinny nowadays, as it turns out, but you also need to be “trendy”, both in pop music and in opera environment. Did you think what could happen, if the “trendiness” is in a strong discord with the natural disposition and personality of the singer… the human being? What is more important if you want to become a star, or just simply build up a long career? Myself I got plenty of questionable feedback not only about my appearance, but also about my personality and my natural. Stubborn as I am, at a point I said alright, I need to change, my future depends on it – just like Deborah Voight, the famous Wagner soprano, whom the MET told she won’t get roles any more because of her looks. There may be several possible outcomes to such an “adaptation” process and I would like to talk about this in today’s episode.