“Klára Kolonits interprets the dramatic coloratua role from the coloratura side – nevertheless, the trills always burst out of her soul, there is absolutely nothing superficial in the interpretation. Her attitude and movements are radiating with nobleness and her suffering hits the hearts of the younger audience as well. They were listening with tense attention and then celebrated her with boisterous applause. Its reassuring how the genuine art is still directly and strongly moving for them as well.”
16th March 2015, tiszataj.hu, Tamás Márok
“From the second act of Hunyadi we get to see practically the whole story through the eyes of mother, Erzsébet Szilágyi, whose role is the most dramatic and the most gratifying. Mother worrying for her son is always credible, especially if the composer provides her with meaningful arias as well. We suffer with her and we admire her coloraturas. The audience rewarded both arias with rare, neverending applause; on that evening as well this was the case with Erzsébet Szilágyi. I appreciate Klára Kolonits not only in her arias, but also when she is listening silently to the king („your son is a murderer”) and I can see all the counterarguments running throuh her body, all the unspoken words. She has her honour, has her diplomatic skills, she keeps silent: but she does not hold in high regard the unsure monarch.”
March 2nd 2015, mezeinezo.blog.hu, Zsuzsanna Makk